Sunday, August 24, 2014

An off week

This week felt hard.  It was hard to get up in the morning, hard to do the things that needed done, hard to go to bed.  Just plain hard.

I sometimes worry that I have too many triggers, too many things that will send me into a slump.

This week I had at least three things make me on edge, where I get headaches and cry easily.  Two were church families we were praying for (both of whom are doing fine now.) The third was starting school and acknowledging autumn.  The entire season is rather depressing for me.  I had hoped starting school early would make it less fall-ish.

But instead I spent the weekend crying and locked away from the rest of the world.  Tears felt good and time alone felt refreshing.

Still I wonder why does the pain feel so fresh still.  Why does hurt take so long to heal?