My husband graduated , finally. After deciding to go back to school in 2004 we are finally closing that chapter of our life. It is hard to explain to people just how unreal this feels to me, even to people who know about the last two years and how hard they have been on us. I didn't think he could do it.
Just over two years ago when we found out about my dad's cancer, Jon and I sat down and talked seriously about him taking at least a year off and working full time to help my parents with bills. When it was decided that my brother would move in next door and help instead there was a mix of relief and disappointment. I wanted to help but with baby on the way I wasn't sure I could.
After James passed away Jon seemed so lost. He couldn't focus on school, he couldn't focus on work, he didn't seem very focused on family. And I wasn't able to focus on him. Being a mother is much easier than being a wife.
Looking back at his school it is six long year of self made problems and one even longer year of problem we had no control over. His first years of school we will remember as when Charry didn't know he lived with us. He was working swing and taking day classes. Often she was sleeping when he got home and still sleeping when he left. The middle years will be remembered by the internships he didn't get, those promised that lost funding. And the last years will be remembered for the sorrow, loosing something so precious yet having to keep going without it.
We've had our good times too, we've made sure to have family time so the girls know their daddy. And the summer is starting out on a good note, he has an internship lined up ready to start next week. Still when I see his diploma I can't help but remember last year when everything was so hopeless and I wasn't sure if he would keep going to school.