In the past I've always said of myself and other new moms, "Don't stress about your size until it has been a year, your body needs time to readjust." But This time I'm not breast feeding or chasing after a little one as he learns to crawl and walk. Also I don't really want people knowing just by looking at me that there ought to be a little one with me.
In the weeks after my son pasted away I had trouble eating, I wasn't hungry and nothing seemed appetizing. So I dropped back to pre-pregnancy weight rather quickly. But now I still have the stretched out belly and general unfitness from both pregnancy and general unfitness. I don't want to push my body to hard but I want to see results quickly. If it was anyone else I would tell them to take their time, start slowly and for goodness sakes make sure you eat. But I'm still not hungry and I sleep better when I'm so tired I can't think.
It's so much harder to think of my self as a person and keep my goals realistic when part of me is just trying to escape and to change one of the few things I have some control over.